Bakugan Wiki

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Bakugan Wiki

What kind of creature is Sechs Tanavel? Isn't he like a dragon or a unisus (unicorn/pegasus)? -Reynoman

I would say more of a ... what you said. Behold, the grand Demonis Sanjushi! 22:52, July 13, 2012 (UTC)
And that would be ...? --DQ13 ~ Let the whole world come see you and know how beautiful you are. 14:21, July 14, 2012 (UTC)

How do you get Sechs Tavanel?[]

I'm thinking of order the play set that comes with the Gold Dtage card? Does anyone know the process required to receive the Sechs Tavanel? Are US residents even allowed to participate? 13:41, December 27, 2012 (UTC)

I would ask that you not use this as a place to ask questions about the acquisition of Bakugan, as article Talk Pages on this Wiki are for the purpose of improving the article. You could probably ask Rhivana, Zachattack31, or Keith Strife about it, though. --DQ13 ~ In death, in life. 16:33, December 27, 2012 (UTC)