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Midnight Percival (ミッドナイト・パーシバル?) is a Bakugan and a variation of Percival in Bakugan: New Vestroia.



Midnight Percival is an evolution of the Percival line. Midnight Percival wears a new cape that protects him from fire and water and has additional horns on his head and shoulders for increased protection from attacks. He has fire-breathing dragon heads on his shoulders and impenetrable armor protecting his arms and legs. He also carries a sword to slay his adversaries.

Physical Game[]

In a six pack, Darkus Midnight Percival has 610 Gs while it has 660 Gs or 670 Gs as a single product. The Aquos version has 530 Gs. The Subterra version has 570 Gs.

In Japan, the Darkus version in BCV-11 comes with 440 Gs or 480 Gs.

Video Games[]

Defenders of the Core Ability Cards: 

  • Dark Impact: A powerful sword attack that sends opponents flying.
  • Vorpal Blade: Triggers a powerful combo attack.
  • Shadow Growth: Generates a shield to deflect shots.
  • Excalibur: Midnight Percival's attacks cannot be combo broken.

