LG is a card series in Bakugan: Gundalian Invaders. The first card, Trapped!, was the first card given out during the first week of the Bakugan Battle League. The following cards that were given out were chosen the week before, from two different cards.
Number | Image | Card Name | Color | Card Type |
LG1 | Trapped! | Red | Ability Card | |
LG2 | Companion Ace | Blue | Ability Card | |
LG3 | Companion Shun | Green | Ability Card | |
LG4 | Direct Attack | Red | Ability Card | |
LG5 | Stealth Move | Red | Ability Card | |
LG6 | Similar Crush | Blue | Ability Card | |
LG7 | Opposite Crush | Blue | Ability Card | |
LG8 | Save Marucho | Red | Ability Card | |
LG9 | Destroy Evil | Red | Ability Card |