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Bakugan Wiki


  • When Jack laughs and gets excited, his pupils turn very small, similar to when Chris gets angry.
  • Jack's laugh somewhat resembles that of a hyena or a jackal.
  • Jack is the only Brawler in Team Anubias with a known last name. In the Japanese version, however, Ben also has a last name.
  • He is the only member of Team Anubias to use just one Attribute.
  • Jack seems insane as he laughs. This behavior is similar to Stoica, Shadow Prove, Lythirus, and Brontes.
  • He seems to have an obnoxious personality, laughing insanely even when serious. This annoys even his team.
  • He is the only member of the original team to not use Bolcanon.
  • Jack bears a striking resemblance in appearance to Marche Ovis from Beywheelz.